Friday, December 15, 2006
Outlook Header Information is Missing from Printed E-mails
1) Turn off Word as the e-mail editor because Headers are not printed when it is on. In Outlook, go to Tools, Options, Mail Format and make sure the Use Microsoft Word checkbox is UN-checked.
2) Another suggestion involves one of these two choices:
1. When printing and email goto file, page setup, memo style and set the top and bottom margins to zero. Click ok and then print. You may have to change these settings each time you print.
2. In Outlook goto Tools, Options, Preferences Tab, Email options and tick 'read all standard mail as plain text' and 'Read all digitally signed mail in plain text'. You loose the html formating of the email but it prints the headers correctly, this also solves the problem of some emails printing in a very small font.
UPDATE June 28. 2007
The e-mail message header does not print when you try to print an e-mail message by using either Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Outlook Express. Click this link:
Outlook Messages Print in Small Font After Internet Explorer 7 Update
NOTE: If you are having an missing Outlook Header issue, thats' a seperate article.
1) You can disable font styles: Open Internet Options. On the general tab, click the Accessibility button. Check mark "Ignore font styles specified on webpages".This will allow you to print headers on HTML emails.
2) Another user suggested a less practical approach:
He was able to print e-mails fine after doing the following:-Tools, options-In preferences tab, click e-mail options...-Under Message Handling, check "Read all standard mail in plain text"-Restart oulook, and you should be able to print e-mails fine.
3) This Microsoft KB Article deals with a similar problem that happened after IE 5.5 was introduced. Click on the Link to go to the Microsoft site:
// UPDATE -- FIX --- May 10, 2007
When you print an e-mail message in either Office Outlook 2003 or Outlook Express, the printed message is so small that it is unreadable.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Public Folder Calendar issues in Exchange 2003: a permanent solution.
As of Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 2 and/or Outlook 2003 Service Pack 2 *updating* appointments on a Public Folder Calendar has not been possible. When a user attempts an update from their Personal Calendar or from TrialWorks Docket Tab a new appointment is created on the Public Folder Calendar, but the existing (changed) appointment remains. The original appointment cannot be changed, only deleted (assuming Default=Owner rights). This is because Microsoft modified calendar processing in those service packs. Public Folders never processed Free/Busy Information, but now we see its effects. This article presents an alternative as well as Materials & Methods for converting existing customers to the updated system.
Users that are not running these service packs will eventually be affected by the conversion as upgrades are unavoidable. It is recommended that all users follow this guide to convert their calendars to the alternative method.
Creating a New Master Calendar
Note: If you plan on converting and existing Public Folder Calendar to the alternative setup, please go to the next section
The following series of steps describes how to create a Master Calendar user mailbox and an account used by a 3rd party application for managing mailboxes as resources. In our case we use Simpler-Webb Exchange Resource Manager to manage the Master Calendar. Without a resource manager the mailbox would need to have an instance of Outlook open at all times to automatically process appointments; in some cases manual “acceptance” of appointments would be required. The ERM automates that process by treating the Mailbox as a Resource. Please visit their website for licensing, technical information, and updates.
Materials and Methods.
- Download Exchange Resource Manager from Simpler-Webb.
- In Active Directory create two accounts:
- “Master Calendar”. This account will be your calendar.
- “ERM Account”. This account needs to be assigned “BUILTIN\Administrators” group and will manage Mailboxes as Resources. This step is part of the installation procedure for Simpler-Webb ERM.
- Install ERM according to their protocol. Specify the admin account you created.
- Update Exchange Recipient Update Services and Offline Address Lists to ensure mailbox information propagation.
- In Active Directory > Master Calendar User Properties > Exchange Advanced tab grant Domain Users full mailbox permissions (or whatever you feel is appropriate for your organization).
- Open the ERM Console and enable ERM Management on the Master Calendar Account (refer to ERM documentation for more info).
- Test the configuration by:
- Closing your Outlook.
- Adding Master Calendar to your Exchange Mailbox “Open additional mailboxes” options.
- Launching Outlook.
- Downloading the latest Offline Address Book.
- Placing an appointment on your personal calendar and inviting Master Calendar. Once you hit send verify the appointment arrives on the Master Calendar mailbox.
- Updating the appointment to a different time – verifying once again the appointment was properly updated. Note: this is where Public Folders would make a new entry but leave the old entry on the calendar post SP2.
- At this point you may configure TrialWorks to always invite this calendar and train users on how to use this function properly.
This set of steps is designed to provide a low-impact conversion to the new system. You will first adjust Active Directory addressing to allow for the insertion of a Master Calendar. Then proceed with ERM setup. Finally you will complete the conversion and import calendar data.
Please be aware that in regards to TrialWorks – ALL DOCKET-CALENDAR links will be invalidated. Consequently you will not be able to update from the Docket previously placed appointments.
Materials and Methods
- In Exchange System Manager hide the designated Public Folder from address lists (Exchange Advanced screen).
- Assign a new SMTP address that you will recognize but will not be accidentally used, for example MCPF@domain.local.
- Set the new e-mail address as primary. Uncheck the box that automatically updates the recipient based on policy.
- Make a note of Remove existing e-mail addresses. You will use them in the creation of the new account.
- Update Recipient Update Services and Offline Address Lists.
- Proceed to CREATING A NEW MASTER CALENDAR section of this article (listed above), but be sure to name your new calendar the same way as your old one to limit confusion. -------
- Change security on the old public folder giving Administrator “Owner” rights and denying default. This will prevent accidental updates.
- Now you have to copy all items to the new calendar. You may do so in two ways
- Export/Import using PST. Although effective, this method may miss appointments due to corruption or other factors.
- Copy and Paste. Although very effective you must sort all Public Folder Calendar Items by Category, and then by Item Type. Copy only one item type at a time and delete any “junk” items (sometimes public folder calendars accumulate “MAIL” items which do not process correctly). Finally, copy only one item type (you can tell by the icon) at a time because some item types do not copy correctly – one bad item will prevent an entire copy/paste routine.
- Update network / application settings and train users.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Data Protection, zero-downtime, and Small Business Server
Recently new products like Windows 2003 Server R2 and smaller 3rd party devices like the Seagate Mirra appliance have made it much easier to maintain live, continuously replicated, copies of all shared files on a separate storage media. Those media could then be used to restore to the point-of-failure, instead of the traditional “last night” backup. Even though such tools are easy to use and fairly inexpensive, they do not provide all the protection a small business needs.
In a perfect world a small business utilizes Microsoft Small Business Server 2003. Although it is a valuable asset for any small company, Small Business Server has one flaw: most continuous protection and, especially, auto-failover (Zero Downtime) solutions do not work with it.
After three months of research and experimenting with solutions from Neverfail, DoubleTake, SonaSoft, Microsoft, and Symantec it became clear that Small Business Users simply cannot experience the effects of Zero-Downtime in a disaster scenario (unless you are willing to spend about $20,000.00); but they can get close.
Keep looking for updated posts that will present our recommendations for Small Business Data Protection.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1: free of issues, runs on SBS server, and FREE?????
Today I had my first successful deployment of BES Express, and found it to be a far easier project than deploying the regular BES. Not to mention, the customer saved over $4000.00 in hardware and software costs.
Traditionally BES required its own Windows 2003 Server with NO exchange installed on it and NO Outlook -- the MAPI client was flaky and calendaring was an issue if you tried any other setup. But the BES Express version has none of these issues.
Standard deployment takes about 90 minutes. The server supports up to 14 users. Each user must visit RIM's website and sign up for their own, individual, license (BES Express is not licenses to companies).
If you would like the benefits of BES Express such as:
- live synchronization
- control over blackberries from the server
- remote wipe and lock abilities
- flawless synchronization not dependant upon the Redirector or Web Client...
contact us and we'll get you started. There is a link to our contact form near the top of this blog, on the right side, just use it to submit your info.
-- Karl J.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
BlackBerry issues - final step...
-Karl J.
Update to BlackBerry: Problems sending messages when using Enterprise Server
(UPDATE ON THIS: I am sort of inserting this paragraph after the post was published. I am still debating whether this is really necessary, especially if you strip Domain Admin rights. On one hand research suggests that it is... but then I was able to get around this for some users).
Special rules for adminSDHolder Protected Accounts
If you use the script to grant the Send As permission for a mailbox owner that is also a domain administrator, the Send As permission will not be effective. We strongly recommend that you do not mailbox-enable user accounts that have domain administrator rights or that are adminSDHolder protected.
The adminSDHolder object is a template for accounts that have broad Active Directory administrative rights. To prevent unintended elevation of privilege, any account that is protected by the adminSDHolder object must have access rights that match those that are listed on the adminSDHolder object itself.
If you change the rights or the permissions on the adminSDHolder object for a protected account, a background task will undo the change within several minutes. For example, if you grant the Send As permission on a domain administrator object for an application service account, the background task will automatically revoke the permission.
Therefore, you cannot grant the Send As permission to an application service account for an account that is protected by the adminSDHolder object unless you change the adminSDHolder object itself. If you do change the adminSDHolder object, this will change the access permissions for all protected accounts. You should only change the adminSDHolder object after a complete review of the security implications that may occur with the change.
To associate a mailbox with an account that is protected by the adminSDHolder object, follow these steps:
1. Start the Active Directory Users and Computers management console.
2. On the View menu, make sure that the Advanced Features option is selected. If this option is not selected, the Security page will not be visible for User account objects.
3. Create an ordinary user account to act as the mailbox owner.
4. Assign the ordinary user account a mailbox on an Exchange server.
5. Open the properties of the new mailbox owner account.
6. In the Exchange Advanced box, grant the Full Mailbox Access permission to the protected administrator account.
7. In the Security page, grant the Send As permission to the protected administrator account.
8. Click OK to exit the properties of the mailbox owner object.
9. Right-click the mailbox owner account object, and then click Disable Account to disable the account for all logons.
BlackBerry: Problems sending messages when using Enterprise Server
First off, a little backgroun. If you are running Microsoft Updates on your MS Exchange Server than you are experiencing the problem. The same is true if you applied the hotfix described in "“Send As” permission behavior change in Exchange 2003", Article 895949, of the Microsoft Knowledgebase. Basically the behavior of the "Send As" feature has changed, and been torn away from the previous setting that controlled it - known as "Full Mailbox Access." According to Microsoft, the reason there is an issue to begin with is due to BlackBerry's installation and security assignment procedure that improperly utilizies the "Full Mailbox Access" setting. Microsoft suggests that they are simply enforcing a behavior in security that has been documented a long time ago and simply been patched now.
The solution to this problem is described by Microsoft KB-912918 and BlackBerry KB-04707. (NOTE: if the BB KB article link fails, increase the last number in the h-link incrementally as new versions will have higher numbers). However, it is my view that the articles miss out on vital information. So, I've written out the procedure with additional - critical - information. The revised procedure I've used successfully is as follows:
- Stop the BlackBerry Router first (contrary to 04707). This prevents users from sending. If a send is made during this procedure, all changes will be undone.
- Go to Active Directory and REMOVE all Domain Admin / Administrator privlidges from the users that have BlackBerries. If not, your changes will be automatically undone within 60 mintes of you doing them (again not documented). Currently there is no work around.
- Go to the domain level and assign BESAdmin (or whatever you use) "Send As" rights (in Security Tab) to the *User Objects*, from the Advanced Button. This will propagate to most users but not all (Microsoft KB-912918 has the details).
- Go to the users that were Admins before and go to Properties > Security > Advanced. You will likely have to add BESAdmin to their list. When doing it, make sure to switch to USER OBJECTS first, and then check "Send As". Failure to use User Objects will be a problem, so dont miss that.
- Wait 20 minutes for the cache to clear and start BlackBerry Router.
This does clear up the issue, I've been able to do it successfully on multiple servers. Keep in midn that the alternative is not to do Microsoft Updates or not apply the hotfix, but then you are left with a potential security problem. It is a catch 22. My oppinion, I rather keep MS Update and deal with issues if they arise.
-Karl J.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Security Issues You Need to Know About
Recently Microsoft published a bulletin - like all the others - named MS06-019 (kb: 916803) called Vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Could Allow Remote Code Execution. In fine print it is labeled as "Critical", but we already know that Microsoft Critical Updates offer a broad range of software patches.
Before I tell you why you need this updated *immediately* applied to your Microsoft Exchange 2000 or 2003 server, I suggest you go and get it. Otherwise you may join a group of network owners that experience a chain of events that goes a little like this:
- User receives a calendar appointment, it is auto accepted. Nothing catches it as unusual - after all, its just a calendar appointment - with a little code to it that exploits a hole in Exchange.
- The sender of the appointment now has full control of your server - without your knowledge.
- The sender goes in and does a few things to cover his tracks like: change your backup jobs so they appear to be running each night without actually backing anything up (for example changes the job to catalog or index, rather than back up).
- Disables all logging features.
- Installs various mail server updates.
- Spams for a while.
- Formats your servers C drive (erasing most data and killing your server).
- leaving you with no server, no data, and no backups.
Can this happen to you? Yes - I've seen it. Can you prevent it - yes. Go - now - and do your windows updates. Switch your system to Microsoft Update to get comprehensive protection. Keep in mind you need Microsoft Update to install larger updates to Windows and patches to other Microsoft Applications, otherwise you remain an open target for hacker.
This article is based on: .
- Karl J.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Received TWBlog Invitation? Some useful info.
- What is a blog?
A web-based publication conisting of periodic articles - which are generally less formal and more personal - that generally consist of information, thoughts, ideas, etc.. In our situation, we use a popular blogging system, available to anyone, to syndicate our articles. Publishing is fast and easy, so is news delivery. Once a new article is published subscribers can be instantly notified using e-mail or RSS. End result, you're always current on the latest scoop. - What is the TrialWorks Blog?
This is a free news syndication service available to anyone designed to increase communication with our customers and deliver important information realted to our industry. Our mission is to publish articles quickly on new developments that may affect your busienss. To date we've published valuable information about missing calendar appointments and freeze-ups in office that have affected dozens of companies. Our topics are generally triggered by patterns discovered by our support/networking team. In addition, we will also use this to publish relevant information to TrialWorks, including new software releases. - What is RSS?
Really Simple Syndication is a web feed format used for delivering news and podcasts. It consists of a title, date, description, and the article which are standardized to a universal publishing system. Users can "subscribe" to these feeds using various tools like:
> Microsoft Live (
> Google Desktop Side Bar
> Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 (now in BETA, will be available in Windows Vista).
> All sorts of RSS Readers.
As a side note, I use IE 7.0 but I do not recommend it - just yet - for non-advanced users. I suggest signing up with Windows Live, a free website operated by Microsoft.
For more info on RSS feeds, check out WIKIPEDIA: - How do I subscribe to TrialWorks Blog RSS?
Simply go to You will see the feed. Some software will automatically detected. If using Windows Live, you will be able to "add" the feed using one of their gadgets - most other software works that way also. - How do I subscribe to the TrialWorks Blog E-Mail Notifications?
The easiest way is to use the RSS feeds above. If you are not doing RSS, you are behind the times. It's the only way to stay current on all the latest news from multiple sources. Even if you are new to it, it's easy, just use some of our recommended tools mentioned above.
If you want to do things the hard way, you can always e-mail an article to yourself using the envelope below each article. That will keep you updated - somewhat. A potentially easier choice is to sign up with Blogger.Com and FLAG this blog using the option on the top blue bar across the top. HOWEVER, we are using Blogger services because they are simple and readily avialable. Please be sure to review's privacy policies and terms of use agreements before signing up (here is the link:
That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to e-mail us/me with questions. To limit spam we have a blog inquiry form you can use for questions. Click on this link:
-Karl J.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Microsoft Word suddenly freezing when trying to browse for files.
This is the link:
After you install security update MS06-015 (908531) - THIS IS NOT THE FIX!!(, you may experience one of more of the following issues:
- Unable to access special folders like "My Documents" or "My Pictures".
Microsoft Office applications may stop responding when you attempt to save or open Office files in the "My Documents" folder. - Office files in the "My Documents" folder are not able to open in Microsoft Office.
Opening a file through an application's File / Open menu causes the program to stop esponding . - Typing an address into Internet Explorer’s address bar has no effect.
- Right-clicking on a file and selecting Send To has no effect.
- Clicking on the plus (+) sign beside a folder in Windows Explorer has no effect.
- Some third-party applications stop responding when opening or saving data in the “My Documents” folder.
- Karl J. 4/18/06
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Missing Calendar Appointments - One last update.
We have found a way to undo the service pack modification byediting the registry, but it is not intended as a final fix/adjustment/correction for the problem. Also, Ihave noticed users are more likely to experience this situation when updating appointments from the Docket Tab in TrialWorks, simply because of the nature of the system. So, these 3 articles apply to new appointments (Outlook and TrialWorks), and updates (Outlook and TrialWorks).
As far as changing the registry key - use it as a temporary solution. The final fix is is really to educate users and change your internal work-flow processes to accomodate the changing technology.
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.This step-by-step article describes how to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a Registration Entries (.reg) file. Regedit.exe uses .reg files to import and export registry subkeys and values. You can use these .reg files to remotely distribute registry changes to several Windows-based computers. When you run a .reg file, the file contents merge into the local registry. Therefore, you must distribute .reg files with caution.
Description of the Microsoft Windows registry
(256986) - Describes the Microsoft Windows registry and provides information on how to edit it.
How to back up, edit, and restore the registry in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
(322756) - Explains how to export or backup the registry in case something goes wrong when you edit the registry and you must restore the registry.
So - here is the key:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar DWORD: DisableMeetingRegeneration Values: 1 = revert to the pre-SP2 behavior; 0 = use the new SP2 behavior
-KarlFriday, March 24, 2006
Missing Calendar Appointments in Outlook: UPDATE
- That things are different now, since Outlook 2003 Service Pack 2 and Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2. The entire meeting request process is handled differently, and helps account for the behaviour. Different does not mean wrong - something we may have to get used to.
- TrialWorks can automatically resolve this issue. In Admin > Edit Global Settings > Global Defaults > E-mail Tab > Invite as Resource checkbox.
If you choose to use this option, every Outlook appointment generated through TrialWorks will be sent to people in a different format, bypassing the ACCEPT / DECLINE error message. This setting is global, so you would have to first alert all users of the changes. - In order to have Outlook invite users as Resources you must go through these steps:
- Create New Appointment
- Hit the TO box
- Change to Scheduling Tab
- Click Add Others button
- Choose Add from Address List option
- Select the name(s) you want.
- Click the Resources button - If you delete the messages in your inbox without Accepting / Declining you will loose the calendar from your appointment. We're still looking for a possible work around, but for the time being users have take caution.
- This is especially critical for BlackBerry users that can easily delete their calendar appointments. BlackBerry offers this information: Click here for a BlackBerry article
This article helps explain a lot: but its more technical.
- Karl
Missing Calendar Appointments in Outlook
This is what you can do to see the problem.
- Go to your personal calendar in Outlook 2003.
- Create a new appointment, and invite someone else in the office.
- Make sure that the other person has Auto Accept enabled. Also, for test purposes, choose a time that will not conflict with anything on the invitees calendar.
- Send the appointment.
- At this point the other user will see the appointment on their calendar, but will also have an ACCEPT notice in their inbox.
- If you DELETE the inbox message, you will also delete this appointment.
This is especially critical when UPDATES are being sent to appointments, which they often are when Docket Entries are changed in TrialWorks.
I've learned of a Microsoft Exchange Hotfix that we are currently testing to see if it resolves the issue. Keep reading my blog for more details, I'll post them as they come about.
Related KB Articles:
- Karl J
Friday, March 17, 2006
Welcome to our new blog!
This blog is intended for infromation purposes only, provided "AS IS" with no warranties. TrialWorks.BlogSpot.Com is operated using /, all users must agree to their privacy policy located: Lawex Corporation / TrialWorks / or the authors of this blog take no responsibility for the usage of the provided information. Any technical modifications should be tested/evaluated by your network administrators and only put into practice after complete understanding and testing. We recommend using and all of its resources for dealing with Microsoft applications. Technical information on this site is here only to inform of potential issues or new technologies. Warning: because the blog is hosted by blogspot, users browsing other blogs may be exposed to offensive or inapporopriate content. Blogspot/Blogger is not affiliated with Lawex Corporation. Use at your own risk.